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Need to give a public talk or presentation?


Can you neatly and confidently share your ideas?



We are all idea factories but which of your ideas can make a real difference?


If no-one, or few people know of them how can they make that difference?


talkware gives you the confidence to address any situation or audience, large or small

And deliver your message clearly and memorably.





 "We need to innovate"   


 "Let's put the startup mentality into our company"


       It can be done!



Avoid innovation theatre and use talkware to unlock the potential in existing skills and processes reducing the chance of failure.


And no more death by PowerPoint!





Would you speak to a 5 year old the same way you would speak to a 55 year old?


Customers, future colleagues, investors, all need a different approach.


You don't get that with one fixed slide deck.


Forget the usual well meant advice to startups-


" these are the X number of slides you need for your pitch"


talkware unlocks the key business focus, helps team building and creates the flexibility of thinking needed to launch and scale your business






ex + ducere (latin) = to bring out, lead forward.


We all have skills more portable then generally believed.


Creativity      Critical Thinking      Communication


Just three of the "skills of the future"


You can easily add these to your existing curricula


talkware helps your teachers and trainers to do this and prepare your pupils and students for that rapidly approaching unknown- the future.


Communicate Collaborate Create


talk-ware in more detail


talk-ware is a personally guided method using one-to-one meetings or group workshops.


We facilitate the deconstruction of your ideas or processes into the key core elements and help you then to construct the most appropriate message or strategy depending on the intended audience or situation.


Communication is the heart of nearly every problem and therefore the key to nearly every solution.


The wrong message, the wrong core element, even the wrong word can lead to totally unintended outcomes.


Sharing new ideas for collaboration and future development is more efficient with clear communications.


Innovation in business can be less risky if there is clarity on what actually is totally new and what elements of the current business are being utilised.


talk-ware has been developed over 10 years and has helped individuals create Ted talks, startups win investment, schools gain a useful addition to their curricula, students to share ideas and turn them into businesses and bigger established businesses safely experiment with innovative ideas.


talk-ware is the operating system for the future


What can talk-ware do for you?



Event Organisers




"Communicating Science to the Public is Powerful and Potentially Dangerous"     

Dhruv Khulla, Scientific American. December 2015


Disprove pseudo-science and engage more people with proven data, not gimmicks, neatly explained.


talkware is a tested system, using your own analytical skills, enabling you to keep control of your message, avoid sensationalism and create clear and appropriate communication for all audiences.










Event Organisers


Don't let that famous speaker let you down with a boring old-fashioned talk


You put in a lot of effort to create a high quality event but how much time is spent ensuring speakers meet the same standards?


talkware enables you to align even experienced speakers with your "house style" ensuring your event has the best possible content and beats all attendees' expectations.





While we work internationally our registered office is:

Wow Media Ltd

1066 Budapest



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